
January 3, 2011

Quick & Easy Tin Foil Dinners

First off, when I say this is "quick and easy," I mean it's quick to put together and it uses easy and basic ingredients. However, keep in mind it needs to cook for an hour.

My brothers (all 6 of them...I know, don't you just feel sorry for me?) used to always pack these tin foil dinners when they went on their scouting camping trips through the summer. That's what they remind me of. And since it's in the dead of winter where we live and the temperatures are BELOW freezing (at least it feels that way), I decided to bring a touch of summer in our home today. Let's hope it works! 

And just as a side note, it's a little difficult to host a food blog in the winter. I'm usually finishing dishes after the sun has gone down and it's hard to catch the right photo without natural sunlight. Just a simple explanation as to why this picture is actually a "before" of the cooked meal. They're in the oven right now! Can't wait.


1 lb ground beef
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
3 redskin potatoes, sliced (you can use the regular spud, you'd probably only need 2)
1 onion, sliced (I like to do 1/2 red and 1/2 yellow)
3 carrots, peeled, halved and roughly chopped
Olive oil 
Dried parsley

BBQ Sauce
Sour Cream

Combine meat, worcestershire sauce, pepper, and garlic salt. Form into 4 patties, just like hamburgers. Place each patty on a sheet of aluminum foil (I use the individual sheets that Costco sells, I think they're about 14"). Divide potato, onion and carrots evenly and place on each patty. Sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with parsley to taste. Wrap the sides of the foil up and crunch to seal. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour. I like to smother mine in BBQ sauce and sour cream. Yum!

Note: If you were making these on a camping trip, you can place the foil packets in the fire pit close to the fire (not in it!!).

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