
August 29, 2011

Hot Diggity Dogs

 Ok, so hot dogs really aren't "gourmet." But, I'm a mom. So, I make mom stuff. We DO eat Mac & Cheese from a box, frozen chicken nuggets, otter-pops, and yes, even CORNDOGS {for the record, I really don't like corndogs}.

That's just what you do, when you live in mommy-land.

BUT, I do have to say I am starting to build a theory. And I'm currently only a mom to one child, so I could just be blowing a bunch of smoke. But my child is a FANtastic eater. I mean the kid is barely three and he looks like a a cute and cuddly kind of way. Not in the, "Oh my gosh, someone call Maury Povich!" kind of way. "Beefcake" is a good description {Thanks Talia, you were the first to call him that, and it has stuck!}

Anyway, I'm wondering for those so-called "picky" eaters if they didn't have a lot of variety and home-cooked meals. I mean, everyone has their preferences and we all have things we don't LOVE to eat. But, I"m talking about those picky-picky eaters that like less than they DON'T like, if that makes sense. Did they eat a lot of pre-packaged food and fast food that burned their taste-buds? And/or did they not have very well cooked food? Or not a lot of variety? What's your opinion and experience?

I think of Kim's kids that love seafood. My little guy "doesn't" and I think it's because we don't eat it very often. 

Now, that I've said this. My next child is going to curse me and be full of food-aversions and allergies. 


Well, enjoy this fun little idea for dressing up your hot dogs for your little ones. Or for your 3-year-old linebackers. 


{HOT DIGGITY DOGS} - see assembly pictures below
click here for a printable version of this recipe
16 frozen dinner rolls, thawed {store-bought kind, or just make your own favorite dough}
8 hot dogs
1 c. cheddar cheese, grated
Ketchup, for diping

Combine two rolls together and flatten into a 7-inch oval. Repeat with remaining rolls to make 8 ovals. Place one frank in middle of each dough oval. Pull dough up around each frank to completely enclose. Pinch edges together to seal. Turn seam-side down and place on large sprayed baking sheets. 

With a sharp knife, cut each one into 8 equal pieces, through the top layer of dough and frank, leaving bottom layer of dough intact. Twist first cut piece to the left and second to the right. Repeat this for the rest of the pieces. 

Bake at 350 degrees for 10 mintues. Remove from oven and sprinkle each one with 2 T. grated cheese. Return to oven and bake and additional 5-10 minutes. Serve drizzled with ketchup, if desired.

Source: Rhodes Home Baked Family Favorites

1 comment:

  1. Hahah yes! Yesterday Zac goes "look at Ben he is such a man!"
