
August 8, 2011

FRESH Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella Crostini

Our garden this year, is bounteous. No, overflowing. It's out of control. I should post a picture of it, because it's HUGE! It rained so much this Spring that is just grew and grew. We almost had a Jack and the beanstalk situation at our house.

But now we're beginning to harvest and so I'm again looking for ideas of how to use all these things before they go bad! 

We have tons and tons of basil and tons and tons of tomatoes. So, naturally I needed to make these Crostini's. They may seem a little "sophisticated" for a week-night appetizer to dinner. But we have loved snacking on these as we finish getting dinner put together. 

Summer is treating us well.  Enjoy!

2 c. grape tomatoes, chopped {ok, you can use whatever kind of tomato floats your boat}
1/2 c. fresh basil, chopped 
Olive Oil
Coarse salt and pepper
Fresh Mozzarella, sliced and cut into bite-size pieces {the size of the crostini}
Crostini bread {you can buy a pre-cut bag}
1 clove of garlic
Balsamic Vinegar

Mix tomatoes, basil, 1 T. olive oil and salt and pepper in a medium-sized bowl. Spread the crostini bread pieces on a cookie sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Toast under the broiler for about 3-4 minutes or just until they're starting to brown. Pull them out and rub a cut garlic clove over each piece. Place a small slice of Mozzarella on each bread. Spoon tomato mixture over each piece. And drizzle with Balsamic vinegar. It's best if you place the crostinis on the serving platter before you begin assembling, because it can get a little messy and it would be too hard to transfer.

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