
July 25, 2011

Sweet Cereal Snack Attack

Did you think I dropped off the face of the earth? I just went on a fantastic family vacation to San Diego. It was a blast!! We have a theory that we don't "cyber-announce" our vacations before hand. We had a neighbor announce on facebook that they were going camping. Their house was broken into that weekend. I don't know if there was a connection, but it made me think that it's probably best not to announce when your abode will be unoccupied. So, I just abandoned everything unannounced instead. 

Our trip was so much fun! Steve & I both got the "post-vacation blues" when we got home. What a fun city. I had never been there. And we had great company with us too. I have never seen my son fall asleep so quickly at night...he played harder than any 2-year-old ever has.

I made this Sweet Cereal Snack Attack to share with the group down there. It's a perfect little snack for car rides, camping trips, game nights, or late night cravings. Everyone loved it. It was that thing that you have to finally say, "Get this away from me, or I'll keep eating it."

In fact I got one of the best and funniest compliments about this from my 9-year-old nephew. As they were dropping us off at our house when we got home he turned to his mom and said, "Hey Mom, be sure to get Aunt Aly's recipe for drugs." I looked at her confused and she explained that's what they decided to nick-name this treat. I just wanted to clarify in case any of my neighbors might have heard him. I really don't have a recipe for drugs. Just for really addicting sweet cereal snacks.


1 c. sugar
2 c. light corn syrup
3/4 c. butter
1/2 box Golden Grahams Cereal (or the generic version works great)
1/2 box Rice Chex Cereal
2 c. coconut
1 c. almonds, sliced
1/2 bag M&M's

Bring sugar, syrup, and butter to a boil. Stir constantly for 2 minutes. In a large bowl, mix cereals, coconut, almonds, and m&m's. Pour syrup over all and toss to coat. Spread on large cookie sheet to cool then store in a covered tupperware or large ziplock bags.

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