
February 10, 2011

Mediterranean Pita Pockets

I think I've mentioned before that my husband lived in Bulgaria for a little while. He actually took me on a trip there last May to see where he used to live. It was such an amazing trip! His favorite thing to eat were these "duners." And I have to say I agree! They were SO yummy. As we sat and ate them, I kept thinking, I could make this.

So, 8 months later, I finally did! They were absolutely delicious. We put them in these pita pockets, but you can always put them in a wrap too and they'd be equally delicious!

It's very Mediterranean or Greek tasting. Hence, the reason I change the name of the recipe. "Bulgarian" just doesn't sound as appetizing for some reason. You would be saying, "Huh? Bulg...wha? Where's that?"

As far as prep time, it really isn't too difficult. I decided to make the fries from real potatoes and deep fried them myself, but obviously you could also do a short cut on that as well.
But whatever you do, just don't spill the cucumber sauce as you're putting it in the fridge. Oh my word, I was QUITE annoyed at myself. We managed to save enough for our duners though, don't worry.

So, next time you're wanting to try something new, you HAVE to try these. This is definitely going into our regular meal rotations. You're going to love these, I promise! Enjoy!

4 boneless pork chops
4 T. olive oil
4 T. lemon juice
1 T. prepared mustard
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. oregano

Place pork chops in crock-pot. Combine olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, garlic, and oregano. Pour over pork chops. Cook on low for 6 hours. 

Iceberg lettuce, finely shredded
Red Onion, sliced thinly
Fries (our homemade fries were divine!)

1 c. plain yogurt (NOT vanilla)
1 c. cucumber, peeled & chopped
1/2 tsp. garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp. dill weed

Stir sauce ingredients together and store in refrigerator. 

Remove pork from crock-pot and slice into small, bite-size pieces. Halve pita pockets and open gently. Fill with pork, lettuce, onion, and fries. Top with cucumber yogurt sauce. Enjoy!


  1. totally going to try this in the next month or so- when i start cooking again. there's a lady in our neighborhood from bulgaria...i might have to ask her for help ":)

  2. Mmmm tzatziki! The Albanians make basically the same thing, but its called a sufllaqe. I never thought about making them at home, but now I'm going to try. Thanks Aly!
