
September 6, 2010

Recipe for Awesomeness

Today for Labor Day, I'm taking the day off from cooking. Instead, I'm competing in my 2nd triathlon. And I am SO excited. As you read this, I'm probably running barefoot across gravel from the water to my bike. 

I remember standing in line for my first race, shivering with nerves. Someone asked if it were my first tri. I squeaked out a little, "yes." He said, "Oh man, you're going to be hooked!"

He was right.

I strongly recommend a triathlon. I've never felt so amazing (minus my major life events. C'mon now, I'm not heart-less).
If you've ever wondered "what if I could do one of those blasted races?" Stop wondering and start training. You'll feel so great and you'll never feel more proud. It's AWESOME. 

So, I apologize for the lack of food today. I'm sticking to gatorade and gel. But here's my recipe for awesomeness anyway. Enjoy!



Do all three activities consecutively. Kiss your husband (or wife!), be proud of yourself, and then go home and take a LLOOOOONG nap.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize your triathlon was today, GOOO ALY!!! You're so amazing. I hope I can join you in one of these races...maybe next year?? I can't wait to hear about #2!
